Ansuz (Messages from Universe; Elder Futhark)
Communication, spiritual growth, signals or prophecies from the universe or an ancestral god. Psychic abilities, Synchronicities. Learn More

Sowilo (Sun; Elder Futhark)
vitality, sunlight, good energy, health and well-being. a Yes answer. Learn More

Woman (Witches Rune)
Divine Feminine, Abundance, Healing, Nurturing

Sun (Witches Rune)
The beginning of something new. Making good decisions. Having good health and vitality. Healing. Good news. Justice. a YES answer.

Kenanz (Fire, Openings, Elder Futhark)
Fire element Energy, torch, beacon, openings, a YES. Learn More

Othala (tradition, shed that which no longer serves; Elder Futhark)
heritage, family love, ancestral spiritual power, storytelling, Inheritance. Learn More

Moon (Witches Rune)
Long term changes, transition, intuition, releasing fears, shadow work.

Thurisaz (Hanged Man, Thorn on Branch; Elder Futhark)
protection, caution, ponder, observe. Learn More

Flight (Witches Rune)
Movement, Communications and information. Travel of all kinds. Social media. Networking. News. Word of mouth.
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