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Nauthiz (Murphy’s Law)

Pronunciation – now-these

Meanings – essential, necessity, stagnate, Hanging Man

Interpretations – There may be some setbacks or stagnation. Now is the time to remain thoughtful, reflective, and introspective. Keep your ego and temper in check. You may be facing difficulty and adversity that inhibits you from continuing further. The Anglo-Saxon rune poem translated says: “Need is oppressive to the heart.” Which can often feel like heaviness or tightness on the chest. Do your best to release this tension and have patience. Growth is often uncomfortable and challenging, but these moments help to shape who we are.

To pull this rune means to get a hint that there is going to be stagnation – an occasion to re-consider your plans carefully.  It is the time to pay off old guilt and even if it’s easy it is time to restore balance. Therefore improve, reconstruct, organize: if the fishermen cannot pull out, they repair their fishing nets. You must deal with and face your own demons. So keep your anger as well as your impulses under control.  Modesty and a good mood are essential in such times.

If reversed – there is a lot of debate about Nauthiz and if it has a reversed position. Many believe it does not, even though it’s not entirely symmetrical. Trust your intuition to determine what is right for you. If reversed, it can mean restraint from overindulgence or a detrimental desire for more. Now might be a great time to focus on spiritual growth and avoid material possessions. Stay focused on the basics and what is vital. Have patience and chill out.

Inscriptions – Improvement, encourages composure and cool-headedness, energizes intentions directed at abundance or growth.