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Tiger Lily (Lilium lancifolium)

Blooms in Mid Collect flowers and dry them for an anti-gas remedy. Carminative

Common Name Latin Name Plant Family
Tiger Lily
Lilium lancifolium

None known

  • Medicinal Use

    The bulb is antiinflammatory, diuretic, emmenagogue, emollient and expectorant[240, 279]. They are used to relieve heart diseases, pain in the cardiac region and angina pectoris[240]. They are used in Korea to treat coughs, sore throats, palpitations and boils[279].

    The flowers are carminative[240]. They are used to strengthen the eye-lid muscles and are commended in the treatment of myopic astigmatism[240].

    A tincture made from the flowering plant, harvested when in full flower, is used in the treatment of uterine neuralgia, congestion, irritation and the nausea of pregnancy[4]. It relieves the bearing-down pain accompanying uterine prolapse and is an important remedy in ovarian neuralgia[4].

  • Edible Use

    Bulb – cooked[2, 4, 42, 47]. Somewhat bitterish[105]. Fairly pleasant, when properly cooked they are highly esteemed as a vegetable and somewhat resemble parsnips in flavour[183]. The bulbs are up to 8cm in diameter[266]. They are a good source of starch[105, 183]. The bulb can be dried and ground into powder.

    Flowers – raw or cooked. Used fresh or dried in salads, soups, rice dishes etc[183].

  • Cautionary Notes

    The pollen is said to be poisonous, producing vomiting, drowsiness and purging[4].

Cultivation & Habitat

Seed – this species is completely sterile and does not produce seed. Division with care in the autumn once the leaves have died down. Replant immediately[200]. Bulb scales can be removed from the bulbs in early autumn. If they are kept in a warm dark place in a bag of moist peat, they will produce bulblets. These bulblets can be potted up and grown on in the greenhouse until they are large enough to plant out[200]. Bulbils – gather in late summer when they start to fall off the stems and pot up immediately. Grow on in a greenhouse until large enough to go outside[200]. Plants can flower in three years from bulbils[4].
Prefers an open free-draining humus-rich loamy soil with its roots in the shade and its head in the sun[200]. Prefers a lime-free soil according to some reports[28, 47, 143], whilst one says that it succeeds in a calcareous soil[1] and another that it succeeds in ordinary garden soil[1, 42]. Prefers a deep acid loam[47]. Likes a sunny position according to one report[143] whilst others say that it is best grown in open woodland or amongst dwarf evergreen shrubs[1]. Stem rooting, the bulbs should be planted 15 – 20cm deep[143]. Early to mid autumn is the best time to plant out the bulbs in cool temperate areas, in warmer areas they can be planted out as late as late autumn[200]. Plants grow well in northern gardens in Britain[90]. A sterile triploid species, probably of hybrid origin[90]. A very ornamental plant[1], it is cultivated for its edible bulb in Japan[2, 42, 163]. This species tolerates virus infections, but it can transmit them to other species in this genus and so is best grown away from any of the other species[47]. The plant should be protected against rabbits and slugs in early spring. If the shoot tip is eaten out the bulb will not grow in that year and will lose vigour[200].
E. Asia – China, Japan, Korea.

Become ungovernable, break the chains of the matrix; grow and forage your own food and medicine.

*None of the information on this website qualifies as professional medical advice. Take only what resonates with your heart and use your own personal responsibility for what’s best for you. For more information [brackets] [000], see bibliography.