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Tangle the Bane Up: Witches’ Bottle

[vc_row][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_column_text]A Tangle the Bane bottle is meant to catch any causes of distress or annoyance.

Fill a bottle individually with 2-3” strings. Each time you drop in a string say “tangle the bane up”. This is a perfect spell for sewing witches – build your bottle, over time, with loose threads.

As you build this bottle, think about black holes, and how string just naturally gets tangled up. Envision all bane getting forever entangled at a quantum level with the strings in this bottle, never to escape.

Place the filled bottle in a window or a cupboard to catch & tangle bane.

Many witches hide witch bottles in cupboards or private spaces. I leave mine on display and shake it to catch bane inside. It’s theraputic. Follow your heart here. I also added a few beads to my bottle so that it makes noise when I shake it.

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