The Alainn tarot is a female-centric deck in which the fool is referred to as “she” in the accompanying Fool’s Journey
This modern, often witchy deck is rich with references to pop culture as well as historical and literary figures, [“the boombox scene” from “Say Anything” stands in for the Knight of Cups, and Oscar Wilde represents the Page of Cups] There are even a few fun scientific references to Quantum physics, Einstein and Copernicus. [Schrödinger’s Cat illustrates the double-edged quality of the Ace of Swords, while Copernicus’s innovative leadership depicts the King of Wands]
The images are eclectic, derived from a broad and diverse range of sources chosen to intuitively illustrate Rider Waite based meanings for each card; The artist’s choices will surprise and delight you.
The eclectic range of images form a cohesive whole through consistent illustration style based on gold and silver line art. These illustrations are striking against the black damask background. Card size is standard Poker Size, (not the usual Tarot Card size). Poker size tarot decks are often referred to as a “café deck” or “travel deck” due to portability and ease of public shuffling and use on smaller tabletops.

The Fool’s Journey
With all her worldly possessions in one small pack, the Fool begins a new journey under the auspices of the new moon. Where she will
Major Arcana





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