The Magickal Properties of Anise
Associations Element: Air Planet(s): Jupiter God: Apollo Zodiac: Gemini Gender: masculine Animals love anise and spirits are drawn to it; Use anise in an offering for
Alainn Tarot’s library has outgrown this site.
Associations Element: Air Planet(s): Jupiter God: Apollo Zodiac: Gemini Gender: masculine Animals love anise and spirits are drawn to it; Use anise in an offering for
Associations Element: Air Planet(s): Jupiter, Mercury Zodiac: Pisces Gender: masculine Sabbat(s): Yule God(s): Lugh, Danu, Cerridwen Works well with Mercury A whole nutmeg seed can be carried to bring luck during all games of
Associations Planet – Jupiter Element – Fire Gender – Masculine Aphrodisiac; a well-known ingredient to increase sexual potency. Clove is also used in esotericism as
Allspice is believed to have powerful properties to draw money to a person and to bring business success. It has also been used in witch
To encourage a would-be lover, ingest cardamom before talking to him or her. This is also useful in any situation calling for eloquence when you
Chew raw ginger or drink ginger tea before doing any magickal work to increase your own spiritual energy which will, in turn, make the spell
Cinnamon can be used to consecrate your spaces or magical tools. Just use a couple of drops of oil in a diffuser to cleanse your
Lovelies, wanted to share with you my personal experience with the magick of willow tea, and my growing connection with Angerona. Recently, I lived in
4 tsp white willow bark 2 -3 cups water To properly extract the salicylic acid: raise to a rolling boil for 10 minutes. keep covered.
Properties Mend broken hearts, protection, Love divination, healing, inspiration, cleansing, calming emotion Can be easily purchased at any local pharmacy, near the rubbing alcohol How
Properties Sleep, psychic energy, courage, healing, purification incense, magickal cleansing baths, a renewing of one’s personal energy, warding off of negative energy. thyme is also
Properties Banishing, protection. the thorn serves as a protective weapon, psychically pricking any intruder (be it spirit or person). How to use While not technically
It’s Basically the Sage of oils – Clara (high priestess witch) Properties Rage control, Protection. Relieves anxiety and depression. Luck, Protection, Purification, Consecration, Spirituality, Adds
As with ALL things; Take only what resonates with your heart and higher self, and leave the rest behind.
Repository of Divination tools, News, Elements, Spells, Rituals, Clearings, Entities, Ascension; Kitty is a magpie at heart, gathering information trinkets from everywhere and sharing them here in hopes that some might shine a light on your journey in this Incarnation. Please only take what resonates with your heart and leave the rest behind. Tionscadal Mo Chroi (Project of my heart) Lovingly curated by Kitty, bean draío leabharlannaí (Librarian Witch)
*while Witches’ and Elder Futhark are different sets of runes, (just as English and Gaelic are different languages) I use mine together; my rune casts are “bilingual”. I have made the same choice in my online rune layouts. Alainn Tarot interactive includes both sets at the same time.