The Celtic Cross is the classic, most common tarot layout used for reading cards. You can use it to answer a specific question or to get a general sense of your life right now.
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Laguz (psychic water energy; Elder Futhark)

flowing water, intuition, unconscious, cleansing, psychic ability. Learn More

Eihwaz (defensive patience, flexible growth; Elder Futhark)

symbolizes the Yew tree, life & death, enlightenment, transitions, renewal, defense, patience, endings. Learn More

Isa (Ice; Elder Futhark)

Ice and is associated with Winter, Transparency, divination, seeing clearly through clean ice. Can represent freezing and rest. no movement. time to recuperate. Learn More

Rings (Witches Rune)

Circumstances that connect people. Combining different elements to create something new. Coming in contact with people we can share something with. Interest groups.

Scythe (Death; Witches Rune)

Sudden changes and endings. Making a final decision. Completing something. Walking away from something or someone. Can indicate Danger.

Tiwaz (Warrior Energy; Elder Futhark)

courage, tenacity, masculine energy, ethical responsibilities, victory, Aggressive Action, Can indicate Ego. Learn More

Romance (Witches Rune)

Love and relationships, deep emotional connections. Soulmate. Harmony in the relationship. Being in love with someone who loves you back. Trinity, completeness, Accepting your shadow side. Wholeness.

Hagalaz (Raining Hail, Tower Energy; Elder Futhark)

wrath of nature, destruction, elemental, the end of illusions, unavoidable change. Learn More

Wunjo (Joy, Light; Elder Futhark)

joy, pleasure, hope, euphoria, fruit bearing branch. Learn More

Mannaz (Human experience; Elder Futhark)

humanity as a whole, human experience, the self, make your daily life as epic as possible, feel the whole emotion. Learn More

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