Bear & I like to wander the gardens and yard with a drink in hand. It’s a wilson family tradition, that I picked up from him. When his mom comes to visit, they get lost for hours just walking and talking about the plants. yesterday we noticed a new plant on the edges of the woods. Garlic Mustard!
A quick online search and it’s false reputation quickly comes to light. DNR has declared this a a “noxious weed” in the US. Allow me to translate: it’s abundantly available, and likely has edible and medicinal benefits – much like dandelions. I’m not kidding here: the more you learn about how much of our world is based on keeping us dependent as consumers, the more you see how much the “authorities” declare is not in our best interest.
Turns out it’s delicious, like a garlicy, mustardy basil. AND Good for you! also super freely available. See details below.