Violets are in bloom, time to harvest for Tincture.
Violet tincture attacks breast cancer cells. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32056127/ Just fill your jar at least 1/2 way with flowers (I would fill the jar more, but this
Alainn Tarot’s library has outgrown this site.
Violet tincture attacks breast cancer cells. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32056127/ Just fill your jar at least 1/2 way with flowers (I would fill the jar more, but this
Leaves Tincture for inflammation related diseases: Asthma, Arthritis, IBS, Cytokine Storms.Tea from leaves alleviates a sore throat, diarrhea. Contains Rutin – this protects and prolongs
1. get this APP: https://www.picturethisai.com/ – it is AMAZING and will help you identify any plant or “weed” you find in your yard. 2. Once you identify
I know I really know an element when I can correlate it all by myself to other elements. (vs learning on someone else’s chart). I
The above images are all unedited and taken by me personally over the years; instances of my dragon guardian, Ash, visiting me in person to
Introduction to Meaning and Uses of Ruby The fiery and captivating Ruby is a stone of nobility, considered the most magnificent of all gems, the
Aside from the basic and obvious usage of water, the ancients also used it for purification, healing, manifestation, and more. Ice crystals are one of
One of the most difficult things about being human is how easily influenced we are by our childhoods — and more particularly, our parents. The
Yarrow is is antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, carminative, diaphoretic, emmenagogue, odontalgic, stomachic and tonic.
What is the true nature of AI? How is it connected to human origins? Where is humanity heading? Do we decide and write our own destiny? Join in!
This vinegar based liniment, or rub, can help relieve some of the pesky itchiness that chiggers and mosquitoes can inflict. Roses are included for their
I was gifted some Ametrine earrings by my daughter the other week, which prompted me to learn more about this stone. Turns out it’s AMAZING
Yesterday I was able to harvest stinging nettle from a family farm backyard weed section that nobody in the family but me truly values 😀
Self-sufficiency is key to breaking the matrix. I know, sugar is supposed to be bad… pfft… I personally LOVE sugar and as I pour it into my morning coffee I say “I choose sweetness in my life” – it’s a favorite mantra.
Understanding how the magnetic structure of the planet has been manipulated and how we can transform it is mind boggling. But, many on this planet
What is the Event? The Event could possibly be the most important event to occur in humanity’s evolution to date and could possibly occur in
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. It is the perfect time for all of you to
The Basics We start with the simple and obvious. You see through your eyes, hear through your ears, feel through your body, and think through
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. You are awakening parts of yourselves now that are happy
What if I tell you, that its possible for a person to have this strong belief that an event happened in the past only to
The Pineal Gland, some call it the Third Eye, others say the Eye of Horus, is also known as “the inner eye.” It is known that this
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. You have taken the steps forward on your journeys that
“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you. We have been placing our attention on what you all
We are influenced by the energies of those around us, until we learn to protect ourselves from negative energies exuded by others. This mediation will teach you to OBSERVE WITHOUT ABSORBING the negativity around you
This spring I was gifted by the trees on our land, to experience my first big Pine Pollen harvest. Since the first year we moved
Hello lovelies, this post falls under the topic of “Things I learn from Astral traveling”. I’ve learned (remembered) what to me have been nearly life-changing
Spring is coming! I am getting so excited, daydreaming about local food and herbal foraging for my family’s nutrition and my apothecary supplies. Purslane is
A green, leafy vegetable, purslane is best known as a weed – but it can also be eaten. It’s delicious both raw and cooked. Referred
Note: I have gathered this info from various sources for my own archiving. I plan to collect and dry corn silk from this fall’s corn
As with ALL things; Take only what resonates with your heart and higher self, and leave the rest behind.
Repository of Divination tools, News, Elements, Spells, Rituals, Clearings, Entities, Ascension; Kitty is a magpie at heart, gathering information trinkets from everywhere and sharing them here in hopes that some might shine a light on your journey in this Incarnation. Please only take what resonates with your heart and leave the rest behind. Tionscadal Mo Chroi (Project of my heart) Lovingly curated by Kitty, bean draío leabharlannaí (Librarian Witch)
*while Witches’ and Elder Futhark are different sets of runes, (just as English and Gaelic are different languages) I use mine together; my rune casts are “bilingual”. I have made the same choice in my online rune layouts. Alainn Tarot interactive includes both sets at the same time.